In a perfect world, an ethics & compliance team would be able to do everything, everywhere, all at once. Sadly time, resource and budget constraints mean that compliance officers need to prioritize.
Integrity Bridge can support incoming or existing compliance officers with a fresh look at your team’s strategy, accountabilities, organization and planning processes.
Embedding ethics & compliance within a company’s broader strategy can help maintain awareness of and support for the business ethics program. For example, business ethics should be an important part of a company’s sustainability commitment to investors, customers, members of the local community and other stakeholders.
Integrity Bridge can support efforts to align the ethics & compliance program with the company's commercial strategy, sustainability commitment and operating model.
Ethics & compliance teams are being asked to manage an increasing number of discrete compliance risks. And several newer risks such as modern slavery and cyber-security require shared accountability between compliance and other functions. Clarity is also needed on who is responsible for reporting the status of these compliance programs to executive leadership and the board.
Integrity Bridge can support accountability mapping based on the company’s risk profile, organization structure and best practice.
The modern ethics & compliance team requires a diverse set of core skills and experience including counseling, due diligence, investigations, risk assessment and training. The team needs to be supported by those experienced in communications, data analytics, governance and project management.
Integrity Bridge can support organizational design planning for ethics & compliance teams.
Continuous improvement of an ethics & compliance program requires careful planning, as to design, resourcing and execution. Also, such planning cannot be undertaken in isolation of a company’s other corporate initiatives.
Integrity Bridge can support with the development or review of long-term and annual improvement plans, Return-On-Investment business case development and action tracking.
Integrity Bridge has established Applied Compliance, a new resource center for ethics & compliance professionals. We also include links to third-party websites containing webcasts, podcasts and other materials involving the Integrity Bridge CEO.